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However, if your current storage space is adequate, you. Can achieve spectacular effects with cabinet refacing. Not only is there less disruption to your kitchen. But cabinet refacing costs are typically half to a third consignment furniture california cost of new cabinets. Cabinet Refacing Do it Yourself or Hire a Pro.

If you are into. Hard work and have an artistic bent, you might want to tackle cabinet refacing yourself and save even more money. But if you have doubts about your ability and want the. End result to be spectacular, hire a cabinet refacing professional.

You will still save a bunch of money over new. Cabinets. As always when hiring a contractor, get multiple bids and. Check your candidates out thoroughly with consignment furniture california contractors board, the Better Business consignment furniture california, and most importantly the references they give.

Once the work is done, you will get years of. Pleasure from your updated kitchen, and even more pleasure from knowing how much money you saved. Learn more about kitchen cabinets and cabinet refacing. Do you remember the days when your kitchen was filled with glass milk. Bottles, sugar and tea kept in metal tins, and that metal match box that your mom used to light the wood burning stove. Soak up the nostalgia when you go retrospective with a kitchen cabinet refacing project.

Wouldnвt it be fun to do the Twist in. Your socks in the middle of your new retro kitchen. If youвre looking for a cabinet refacing idea that is unique and exciting, consider a retro look. Most cabinet refacing projects today are going ubher contemporary. Synthetics and dark tones all the way around add to.

The ho-hum modern trend. But you can buck this trend with a cabinet refacing. Project that will bring some old world values back into the heart of consignment furniture california home.

What is Retro Cabinet Refacing. Epoxy Filler. Your contractor will use this to fill in the. Gaps and add strength to your cabinets.

It can be sanded and painted just like real wood. Strip Laminate. Strip laminate resembles straight grain board and is quite thick and. Sturdy. This will save you money over higher grade pines. Valance. A valance will give your cabinets a sturdier look as well as. Allow you to incorporate some indirect lighting consignment furniture california your refacing project. Once you have the cabinet refacing project out of. The way, the real fun can begin. Here are some unique retro accessory ideas that will put.

The finishing touches on your retro refacing project. Retro Cabinet Refacing Accessories Half Round Shelves. Have round shelves fit on the corner of your cabinets and make. The perfect display shelf or de-clutterer. Chrome Handles. Chrome handles are the ultimate throwback. Make sure to get u-shaped chrome handles from the. Drawers. Show your guests and neighbors that things were better. Back in the 50s. For your next cabinet refacing project, just go retro!.

Selecting cabinet refacing materials is an important decision that can impact the quality of your results and long term functionality and enjoyment of your kitchen. Heres a quick rundown on available materials, along with their. High and low points.



25.12.2010 : 21:42 Malcom:
Available Cover Board aka 9mm capping board Fascia Board aka 16mm maxi board Cover Board capping board is, as the name suggests, for coveringcapping existing fascia, whereas Fascia Board maxi board is intended for use without a backing surface. While Cover Board tends to be thinner as it is. consignmen t acting alone as part of the structure, the main difference is that Fascia Board has a recess along the inner corner to locate the Soffit whereas consignment furniture california inner corner of Cover Board is a plain caliornia.

01.01.2011 : 16:36 Rush:
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10.01.2011 : 05:53 Webmaster:
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